Friday, February 27, 2009

In-Class Today: 2/27 & 3/2

English 11-2 B/D Days, Block 1
English 11-3 B/D Days, Block 3
English 11-1 A/C Days, Block 3

The following activities took place in class today:
1) Paragraph Proofreading Practice

2) Sort Cards (100!) coded (as literary elements (LE), literary techniques (T), parts of speech (P)) bagged and collected.

3) Student binders organized and first semester student work collected.

4) Mastery sentence Writing introduced as a strategy for developing a more complex vocabulary and as a way to continue acquiring the ability to read unfamiliar terms and determine meaning based on their context. (Whew!)

5) Writing Journal Prompt 1: "You probably share a basic outlook on life with your friends. However, most people have a few beliefs that would surprise even their friends.Write about a belief of yours that annoys or surprises the people who are close to you."
Homework for Completion Over the Recess:
1) Students need to acquire via purchase or public library one of the six approved independent reading books for our next unit.
Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to see the teacher PRIOR to Advisement and arrange for a pass when you need assistance with any home/classwork.

Read Up and Write On!

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